Friday, October 3, 2008

The Session #20, Beer and Memories.

The session this month his hosted by Bathtub Brewery.

Is there a beer that reminds you of a specific memory?

If you’re thinking, “Huh?” then you might want to craft your response along the lines of “Whenever I drink [insert brew here] it reminds me of that day …” Or perhaps it’s the reverse. Oooooh.

Well, if you've read here before, you probably know it's not that a beer reminds me of a day, but normally the day reminds me of a beer.

It all started when Kriddy got me one of those Calendars where you peel off each day, the one she got me was 365 Bottles of Beer for the Year. I was flipping through it, and was looking for certain beers, what did they pick for my birthday, what was this... what was that. Well, I looked up November 10, to see what they picked and it was Hitachino Nest Red Rice Ale. What the hell does Hitachino Nest Red Rice Ale have to do with November 10?

Absolutely nothing.

The beer that should be that day is Great Lakes Edmund Fitzgerald. On November 10, the Edmund Fitzgerald was lost in a storm on Lake Superior (yes the boat from the song by Gordon Lightfoot). Great Lakes Brewing Company named their porter after the ship. Since I discovered craft beer and Great Lakes Edmund Fitzgerald, I've been having one on November 10, in memory of those who lost their life that day.

So, I started doing my own calendar on June 6. Since then, I've tried to pair a beer with each day. Some days are easier than others (Like when Arthur Guinness was born) others are kind of a stretch, but each day, there's something. There's usually some kind of history lesson, and also a little about each beer. Sometimes it's a fun pairing, (like when I picked a beer for Elizabeth Berkley's birthday) other times it's more serious (the Danish cartoons). But there's enough beers out there with important names, and enough days out there with important beers, to make a calendar. It doesn't hurt that I like history and I like beer.

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