Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Days of the Beer, October 15

The beer for today, is Virgil's Root Beer, ok, so it's not really an alcoholic beer, but it's got beer in the name, which is good enough for me!

On October 15, 70 BC, Publius Vergilius Maro, or Virgil, was born. Virgil was a classical Roman poet who is probably most famous for writing the Aeneid. "I sing of arms and of a man." The Aeneid is considered to be the Roman Empire's national epic.

It is about Aeneas escape from Troy and making his way to Italy.

Virgil died on September 21, 19 BC, before he completed his great work. He caught fever and wanted the poem burned, but his two (basically) copy-editor friends finished the work, after ordered to by Augustus. .

In Dante's The Divine Comedy Virgil was the tour guide through Hell and most of Purgatory.

As to the (root) beer:

Virgil's is made of cane sugar and natural spices. A bottle has about 160 calories.

Virgil's ingredients are collected worldwide and gathered together at our facilities in the USA. From there they are imported to our brewer in the United States. At the brewery, the ingredients are then combined and brewed and finally flash pasteurized to insure the purest quality. Some root beers claim to be "cold-brewed". This is merely another term for the filtering process that yields common soda. Even so-called premium root beers like Stewarts, IBC and Weinhard's are not hand crafted brews like VIRGIL'S.
Virgil's root beer is available at World Market, Whole Foods and several other places. It's available in bottle or in mini-keg.

Root beer is also brewed by Goose Island; Sprecher; and there are some other brewers that delve into had crafted micro-brewed sodas and root beers.

Virgil's is one of my favorite root beers, and not just because it's named Virgil's.

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