Monday, October 13, 2008

Beer Events, CU Beer Club October 15

Wednesday, October 15, in the upper balcony at Crane Alley, the Champaign Urbana Beer Club is meeting.

The theme for this month is Scary Beers.

October: Scary Beer Names or Labels
Celebrate Halloween with Scary Beer. Ghosts and goblins on labels, skulls and grim reapers? Bring it along. Scary, macabre names? We want it.

If you are interested in attending, bring 24-36 ounces (about 2 small bottles or a 22 or a 750ml) of beer.

The club meets upstairs around 6:30 to eat, about 7 or so, the beer starts to get opened.

My pool team will be occupying most of the downstairs pool area. We've had tastings with most of the people from the pool team, so this might be a good way to meet more of the CU beer people.

*spoiler alert* I'll be taking a bottle of this. *click at your own risk*

Not sure what else I'll take, maybe a Fantôme?

If you want to go, but don't know what to take, drop me a note and we can come up with something.

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