Saturday, January 24, 2009

Days of the Beer, January 25

The beer for today is Goose Island Robert Burns Scottish Ale.

On January 25, 1759, Robert Burns was born. Burns is known as Rabbie Burns, Scotland's favourite son, the Ploughman Poet, the Bard of Ayrshire, and also as The Bard. Burns was a poet and lyricist. He is regarded as the national poet of Scotland.

His birthday is basically a national holiday in Scotland. January 25 is celebrated with Burns suppers around the world. A Burns supper may be formal or informal. Each informal supper will have some things in common, haggis, Scotch whisky and a poem or tow. Formal dinners have a standard format.

Burns died July 21, 1796, as a result of complications from a dental extraction. Others claimed it was because of his intempreance.

Burns poems and songs included, A Red, Red Rose; A Man's A Man for A' That; To a Louse; To a Mouse; The Battle of Sherramuir; Tam O'Shanter; Ae Fond Kiss; and Auld Lang Syne.

As to the beer:

Goose Island has two brewpubs in the Chicago area, Wrigleyville and Clybourn.

If you like a Single Malt Scotch from the Island of Islay, you’ll love our Scottish Ale. Brewed with Pale, Crystal and Peat smoked malt for the earthy aroma of a Scottish bog, Robert Burns Scottish Ale celebrates the poet’s birth with style.
This one comes in at 6.6% ABV. It is served in a pint glass for $6. It is currently on draft at the Clybourn location (I'm not sure of wrigley).

There are several other breweries that produce a Robert Burns beer including Belhaven and Barleys in Columbus, Ohio.

So, for Robert Burns, raise a glass of Scottish Ale, and humm a bar or two of Auld Lang Syne, of course that will probably piss off the person next to you, since they won't be able to get the song out of their head for a day or so.

Schlafly, the Saint Louis Brewery, will be hosting a Burns night.

Sunday, January 25, 5:00-10:00 p.m
The Schlafly Tap Room

(wow, I did this 2 years ago. But Schlafly is again having a Burns night from 5-10 pm. )

(In CU, Seven Saints is having an informal Burns night. )

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