Monday, January 12, 2009

Days of the Beer, January 12

The beer for today is New Glarus Unplugged Eisbock.

On January 12, 1967, Dr. James Bedford became the first person to be cryonically preserved with the intent of future resuscitation.

Bedford was a University of California psychology professor who had written several books on occupational counseling.

In June 1965, Ev Cooper's Life Extension Society offered to preserve one person for free, Bedford was accepted as the candidate. His body was frozen a few hours after he died of natural causes. His body was frozen by Robert Prehoda, Dr. Dante Brunol, and Robert Nelson. Nelson wrote a book titled We Froze the First Man.

His body was held in liquid nitrogen until 1982, then it was moved to Alcor Life Extension Foundation. His bydy was evaluated in May 1991, they think he's in good shape for being a dude-cicle.

Januaury 12 is "Bedford Day" among cryonic people.

As to the beer:

New Glarus Brewing Company is in New Glarus, Wisconsin.

This Eisbock was lagered a full year and then frozen to incomparable smoothness. This is a big and complex beer, suitable for laying down or consuming immediately, serve at 55 degrees Fahrenheit. A few times a year, we will cut Dan Carey loose to brew whatever he chooses, uncensored, uncut, UNPLUGGED. Always handcrafted, the bottle you hold is brewed for the adventurous soul. This is a very limited edition and we make no promises to ever brew this style again. Eisbock is the first of our Unplugged series of beers.
This beer is no longer made, but might make a comeback. On New Glarus website, Eisbock is listed as though it will be made again for release in November. Apparently, they pulled the recipe out of deep freeze.

So, unless you have a vintage 2002 bottle, you'll have to wait until November to get this again. But when you do, think of Bedford, and his frozen body, then wonder what his ABV might be now.

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