Monday, December 22, 2008

Days of the Beer, December 22

The beer for today is Carlyle 5 Malt Ale.

On December 22, 1946, in Rockford, Illinois, Rick Nielsen was born. Rick is the lead guitarist, backing vocalist, and primary songwriter for the rock band Cheap Trick. Rick is know for having custom-made guitars from Hamer Guitars, including the famous five-neck guitar.

Rick formed Cheap Trick in 1972 with bassist Tom Petersson, also from Rockford. Bun E. Carlos joined in 1973, and Robin Zander in 1974.

Rick also played guitars on the 2006 Revolting Cocks album Cocked and Loaded. (At the May 8 Ministry show, I saw Rick at the House of Blues, as I was leaving the men's room, and I said "Hey, you are Rick Nielsen, hi Rick". He shook my hand then walked away.)

As to the beer:

There is no "official" description of this beer, so I'll just pull some comments from Beer Advocate and Ratebeer.

Unique offering, this. Pours as black as can be with a giant black head that is just simply gorgeous.

Smells of a strong all malt ale with absolutely no off nodes (how difficult must that have been!?!) along with a very like, dark smoked scent of a Schwarz beer. Mixed in we have strong nodes of biscuits, nuts, and toffee. No hops, really, but they're not needed since the malt's so fine and complex.

Tastes like a big old ball of tasty malt. Biscuits to start, moving into a rich, sweet butter caramel, then a light coffe node that's filled with porter rawness and then it ends on an earthy kick of a black ale. Raw and weird and wild and just like I like them. --- mynie

This one pours a fairly opaque dark brown color. There was a good thick 1 finger tan head on it. The aroma was good. Lots of malts, but not sweet. There were hints of roastiness, chocolate and coffee as well as caramel. The taste is very similar. It is a bit roasty, with a subdued malt sweetness. Also notes of chocolate and coffee. Very drinkable - Boto

Dark caramel color, bordering black, with an average light brown head. Spicy hop aroma with slight cocoa powder bite. Grapefruit and peach notes as well. Nicely hopped flavor, some chicory coffee notes in finish. Nice balance of roast and bitter hoppiness. - JMerritt
Carlyle Brewing Company is Rockford's only brewery. They currently have 11 beers listed on their website as being on tap, including 5 Malt Ale.

So, if you can get to Rockford, have a 5 Malt Ale; for the guy who was born in Rockford and plays a 5 necked guitar.

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