Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Days of the Beer, December 10

The beer for today is Bar Harbor Peach Ale.

On December 10, 1956, Milorad R. Blagojevich was born. "Rod" as he's known, is the current governor of Illinois. Rod was the first democrat to be elected governor in 30 years, since Daniel Walker in 1972.

Walker was sentenced to seven years in federal prison, but served 18 months, for fraud, perjury, and making false statements.

Blagojevich, was arrested on December 9 (yesterday) and charged with various crimes, most in connection with attempting to sell the senate seat left vacant by president-elect Barack Obama. Blagojevich has been the target of many federal investigations, and has very low approval ratings in Illinois. He has been called "America's Least Popular Governor".

He was first elected in 2002, and was re-elected in 2006.

I anticipate, if he doesn't spend the rest of his term in office, he'll be impeached.

As to the beer:

Bar Harbor Brewing Company is located in Bar Harbor, Maine, about 3 hours north of Portland. The brewery was established in 1990. They produce only 260 barrels of bottle-conditioned beer each year.

A peach beer? Yes. When you give peach a chance, you'll discover a mildly aromatic, subtle brew unlike any other.

Rich chestnut hue. Pours with an off-white head. Aromas are suggestive of real peach. On the palate this has a lovely nutty roast character with an aromatic suggestion of peach and a clean, lightly toasted finish displaying subtle hay-like hop flavors. Wonderfully drinkable and not remotely sweet.
So, for governor "Rod", have a "Bar", and since he'll probably [expletive] be [expletive] impeached soon, have a Peach.

*Edit* *Bump*

It took less than a month from his birthday for him to be impeached. It was exactly a month from the day he was first arrested.

Reps Milton Patterson and Elga Jefferies, hopefully will be remembered by their constituents, or hopefully the people running against them next election will remember them.

They have campaign slogans against them already. Patterson, he stood alone behind blago...

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