Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Alcohol in the news; Sun Singer Wine and Spirits offers wine as a cool summer treat

From the Daily Illini

Sun Singer Wine and Spirits offers wine as a cool summer treat

Sun Singer Wine and Spirits, 1115 W. Windsor Rd. in Champaign, is open each Saturday from noon to 4 p.m. to fill that and all other wine-related needs.

Each week up to 100 people make their way to the establishment to try one of the wines up for selection. The samples usually involve a theme; in the beginning of summer, wines more suitable to the outdoors will be chosen.

It’s not just about the taste of the wine either. Brian Bowman, who selects which wines are chosen, tries to give as much information about each wine as he can.

This seems to be a fluff piece about the Saturday wine tasting at Sun Singer.

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