Friday, March 19, 2010

CU Bars in the News, Cracking Down on Irish Fun

From WICD, ABC 15

Cracking Down on Irish Fun

Champaign- Thousands are out celebrating Saint Patrick's Day in central Illinois.
But law enforcement anticipates more D.U.I's. That's why Illinois State Police are stepping up patrols to make sure drunk drivers are off the streets.

"It's a very relaxed day, it's when everybody gets to pretend to be Irish, even though I always am every day, everyone likes it, it's a lot of fun," said Jacob Daugherty, from Radio Maria.

The corned beef and cabbage, the beer, the whiskey; it can all be a lot of fun.

But if you've had a little too much Irish fun, a run in with these guys can cost you.

"The message is simple if you drink and drive you will be arrested," said Sergeant Bill Emery, with Illinois State Police.

With a drinking holiday like St. Patrick's Day, law enforcement cracks down.

"There will be roadside safety checks there will be directed patrols, working with local law enforcement we're going to have more police available and we'll be out enforcing," added Emery.

Luckily, the people who are entertaining will also be checking up on your well-being.

"We try not to over serve anyone and then what we do is call people cabs regularly," said Daugherty. "We do watch things and we call cabs, we have all the cab numbers saved on the side of our bar so we have a list of everyone that we call."

"Usually the cabbies know the more popular places so they know to get here pretty quickly and they cooperate just as much so they know taking people home safely is a top priority," said Ash Khandker, from the Blind Pig.

All those aspects will ensure a safe St. Patrick's Day, without any meetings with the law.

Reported by: Bret
Starring Jacob from Radio Maria.

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