Thursday, February 18, 2010

Beer Review, Lilja's Pulling Boat Pale

I went to Friar Tucks the other day with Scott, my plan was to just pick up a bottle for Wednesday nights beer club, but I wound up back at the mix-a-six and purchased 2 sixers of things that I haven't had before.

The first one I pulled out of the box on Tuesday night was Lilja's Pulling Boat Pale. Which is listed as an American Pale Ale. So, based on the name, it should have more of a hops presence than a regular IPA. Other expectations would be a strong malt base and also a tad more alcohol.

Apparently this beer is by Pangaea Beer Company, and is brewed at Sand Creek Brewery.

As you can see, it poured really clear. There was a decent head, that provided good lacing. It smelled hoppy and bitter, there may have also been a butter smell in it. It felt somewhat thin. The beer was cold, but seemed warm, probably because of bitterness.

It tasted slightly bitter, and seemed to have a pine hops feel to it. There was also a butterscotch flavor in it, that probably shouldn't be there. It wasn't horrible and didn't ruin the beer, but it was present.

Overall, the beer wasn't bad, I don't envision myself having it again, but if I'm at a place that doesn't have any beer other than BMC, I'd gladly take this.

I found this description online:

Embodying the perfect marriage between sweet malted barley and citrus-floral Cascade hop, Lilja's Pulling Boat Pale Ale is a delightfully clean, medium-body, well-attenuated American pale ale.
Maybe the sweet butterscotch flavor came from the barley? I definitely didn't pick up citrus-floral hops, it was the pine variety.

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