Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Days of the Beer, September 16

The beer for today is New Belgium Fat Tire Amber Ale.

On September 16, 1949, Ed Begley Jr. was born. He was known for his role as Dr. Victor Ehrlich on the tv show St. Elsewhere. He has appeared in Stephen King's Kingdom Hospital, Six Feet Under, 7th Heaven and Arrested Development.

He's been in the movies, This is Spinal Tap, Transylvania 6-5000, She-Devil, A Mighty Wind, and Batman Forever.

Currently, he has a reality show about green living on Planet Green called Living With Ed.

Since 1970, Begley has been an environmentalist. It started with an electric golf cart, and then he started recycling and became a vegan. His home uses solar power and wind power. He claims his annual electric bill is around $300. He is also known for riding bicycles to get around.

New Belgium Brewery is located in Fort Collins, Colorado. Their flagship beer is Fat Tire. The idea came from the co-founders bicycle trip through Belgium while on a brewery tour. New Belgium Brewery is entirely wind powered. The brewery purchases 100% wind generated electricity from the Fort Collins Utilities, Platte River Power Authority wind site.

To provide the electricity to the brewery, the electric company had to install an additional wind turbine, to supplement the two that were already on location. The brewery pays an additional premium to guarantee that the power they use is from the windmill.

Named in honor of our founder Jeff's bike trip through Belgium, Fat Tire Amber Ale marks a turning point in the young electrical engineer's home brewing. Belgian beers use a far broader pallet of ingredients (fruits, spices, esoteric yeast strains) than German or English styles. Jeff found the Belgian approach freeing. Upon his return, Jeff created Fat Tire and Abbey Belgian Ale, (assuming Abbey would be his big gun). He and his wife, Kim traveled around sampling their homebrews to the public. Fat Tire's appeal quickly became evident. People liked everything about it. Except the name. Fat Tire won fans is in its sense of balance: toasty, biscuit-like malt flavors coasting in equilibrium with hoppy freshness.

So, to celebrate tree hugging, windmill powered, bike riding Ed Begley Jr.'s birthday, have a beer from a tree hugging, windmill powered, bike riding brewery.

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