Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Beer Review, Flying Dog Kerberos Tripel

Last night, while waiting for Andy to show up so I could give him a selection of beer, I noticed that 7 Saints had the Flying Dog Kerberos Tripel, so I ordered one.

It was served in a pint glass, so the smells weren't too strong. It came out light yellow and seemed rather flat-ish. The smells I did pick up were lemon and orange peel, there were other fruits, but mostly just the smell of sour. It felt light on the tongue, almost like an apple juice. It tasted of zest. Zest with alcohol. There might have been a slight cider flavor, or I may have just imagined it based on the look and feel of the beer. As it warmed, it got more spiced.

This is probably a good Belgian Style Tripel, unfortunately, I'm not a big fan of them. Someday I hope I can appreciate them more; I keep drinking them but it's just not becoming a favorite style of mine.

Here's what the label says:

Greetings, oh god of the barstool. In your hand resides mighty Kerberos Tripel. A Belgian-style ale so cherished, that its namesake, the three-headed, hellhound, sentinel of the underworld guards thy bottle. So quench thy godly self. Then ask thee barmaid to retrieve ye another. For you are most powerful, and this is your bounty.

I didn't follow the instructions, because I didn't order another. However, Andy did give me a bottle of Great Lakes Edmund Fitzgerald, and I did enjoy that.

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